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Lady of Russia
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Surname: Chukova
Name: Olga
Patronymic name: Jurievna
Date of birth: 05.10.1977
Age: 29
Height: 168
Weight: 55

Surname: Prikazchikova
Name: Svetlana
Patronymic name: Vladimirovna
Date of birth: 05.09.1975
Age: 31
Height: 164
Weight: 53

Surname: Egorova
Name: Eugenia
Patronymic name: Vladimirovna
Date of birth: 10.11.1975
Age: 31
Height: 164
Weight: 51

Surname: Zhukova
Name: Valentina
Patronymic name: Sergeevna
Date of birth: 07.03.1974
Age: 33
Height: 170
Weight: 53

Surname: Sedova
Name: Julia
Patronymic name: Nikolaevna
Date of birth: 08.12.1976
Age: 30
Height: 168
Weight: 59

Surname: Tsibina
Name: Tatiana
Patronymic name: Viktorovna
Date of birth: 02.07.1971
Age: 35
Height: 160
Weight: 47

First Name: Sophi
Last name: Sakhitova
Date of birth: 08/07/1981
Age: 25
Height: 169
Weight: 57 |

Name: Svetlana
Patronymic name: Alexsandrovna
Date of birth: 28/02/1965
Age: 42
Height: 167
Weight: 59

Name: Larissa
DOB : 10/07/1977
Age: 29
Height : 175
Weight: 68 |

Name: Lubov
Date of birth: 01/04/1978
Age 28
Height - 165
Weight - 59 |

Name: Olesya
DOB: 19/11/1982
Age: 25
Height: 168
Weight: 59 |

Name: Galiya
DOB: 08/07/1981
Age: 25
Height: 169
Weight: 57 |