Surname: Kolgatina
Name: Svetlana
Patronymic name: Alexsandrovna
Date of birth: 28/02/1965
Age: 42
Height: 167
Weight: 59
Hair Color: light
Hair Length: medium
Eye Color: green
Marital Status: divorced
Children (sex, age): girl 22y.o.
Education: college
Profession: accountant
Job title: accountant
Religion: Christian
Smoking: no
Drinking: no
Languages (fluent, good, fair, basic, none)
English: basic
German: poor
French: poor

Age: 39 - 55
Race: European Men
Other requirements : Calm, active lifestyle, good collocutor, with feeling
of humor, careful, gentile, reliable.


Your interests: Music, cinema, theatre, journeys, books, cats

Your personality: I communicative, emotional, wounded, reliable, decent,
I want to meet the man to be my husband, who can like and can respect.

Sincere women waiting for your e-mail