Surname: Egorova
Name: Eugenia
Patronymic name: Vladimirovna
Date of birth: 10.11.1975
Age: 31
Height: 164
Weight: 51
Hair Color: dark
Hair Length: long
Eye Color: green
Marital Status: not married
Children (sex, age):no
Education: high
Profession: lawyer
Job title: firm
Religion: Christian
Smoking: no
Drinking: no
Languages (fluent, good, fair, basic, none)
English: basic


Age: 29-45
Race: European
Other requirements : Intelligent, calm, passionate, optimist, sociable, strong
personality, accurate, clean cut, focused on family, kind, purposeful, attractive,
stable in finances. 
Your interests: music, sport, reading, traveling. 

Your personality: communicable, purposeful, kind, constant, careful, reliable,
honest, truthful, sympathetic.

Family life for me is a nice cozy home, two children (I want they be boy and girl),
harmony and a wonderful loving husband.